Thank you all for the replies and the info. What I have learned most is that there is no clear or obvious answer haha. I do not know the exact model of the spindle drive currently, I just know it is a Yaskawa G7. The machine is being delivered on Tuesday so I will be sure to post all the additional info and specs when I get them. If I can run the spindle on single phase even at 50% power, that would be great for me to start with. I'm mainly a hobbyist and do not need to be cranking out parts at 90% spindle load (at least right now). I have 90A total available in the garage right now and it will be my only machine running, so running at 60A+ on single phase will be no issue for the time being. I would just love to get it running without having to buy a RPC. I have heard great things about Phase Perfect but realistically I would not be able to justify shelling out the cash for one if I am only doing this for a hobby, so either single phase conversion or RPC will have to work for the time being.

I will keep you all up to date when the machine is delivered and I'm sure I will have some wiring questions then before I try to hook it up single phase. Maybe we can get a few theories confirmed/questions answered that will help some people down the road that have the same questions.

And ianagos thanks much for offering your help over the phone, I will DM you my number and definitely take you up on that help once the machine comes.

Thanks again to all of you for the assistance, I am very new to this forum and you have all been tremendously helpful. I owe you all a beer for sure!