This might be against rules , if so just delete and berate me in private .

So I had an idea to make some side money , but it's to big for my taig mill size wise .

It's not a get rich quick idea , but it's a good idea for a guy who wants to make a couple hundred a month and possibly work up from there .
It's definitely a diy guy kinda thing .

It involves cutting rigid foam insulation board , accuracy expectations are very minimal.
A 16"x16" table size would be plenty big

It would help if you have a vaguest interest in aluminum casting .

But here is the hard part . It's not a free idea .
I am needing a few bucks to put towards a fourth axis .

So here is what I propose to any one interested
I tell you my idea , if you like it you pay me $100
If you don't like it .. just say no thanks .

However if you say no thanks and do it without paying , I'll get my value in telling the internet you screwed me .

Pretty simple terms eh ?