Some very serious detailing with a toothbrush and kerosene; 1/2 a roll of shop towels later, my mill is spotless. Now it is time to re-lube the ways and and screws.

Which oil do you typically use on your Syil SuperX3? I was intending to use Vactra #2 on both the vertical and horizontal ways.

As for the noise. My spindle seems to be quite loud at all speeds. I removed the belt and ran the motor with no load. At no load, it runs very quiet, which leads me to believe that the spindle may be out of alignment from shipping.

My spindle experience is strictly with Haas and Bridgeports; when connected the SuperX3 spindle has growl to it, not at all the machine noise I expected. This is through the full range, not just top speed.

Is this something that has occured for anyone else, how difficult is it to disassemble and reassemble the spindle?

As far as the Syil conversions go and even the mill itself, everything appears t be top notch and I am very happy so far. Looking forward to getting it all tweaked and smoothed out.