Quote Originally Posted by dazp1976 View Post
In the UK. If you built a machine running 40A+ from a vfd on single phase at home...... You'd probably get shafted and fined!!!.

They won't even let you have EV chargers above 40A installed domestic.
Thank god I'd never touch one of those.

Who is "they"? Z Germans?

I don't remember seeing any VFD inspectors when I lived in the UK.

Have you seen an actual (official) list of rules for what VFDs people can use in their own home for cnc machines?

Or is the limit just what the electric car company can / will do?

My bet would be that if you asked 5 electricians they'd give you 5 different answers (while stiring their tea with a pencil and sucking air through their teeth).

I actually asked this question (or tried to) with the electric company where I live (in America) and the limit was only based on the available power.

The guy quoted something silly like an 88kw motor limit on my service.... so I just assumed he didn't know either...

Anyway, a 5.6kw / 7.5hp 24,000 20a motor is not particularly big or powerful. I'm nowhere near any limit.

My local hardware store sells 7hp shop-vacs that run off 1ph 110v...

In terms of what is "to code", it's probably best that those of us with Chinese VFDs never let any sort of inspector near them (regardless of size)....