Hi everyone.
I'm trying to get my CNC up and running using KFLOP/KANALOG but I'm Super lost on how to get anything moving.
I've built a couple of machines before using MACH3 so the whole 'ports and pins' routine is fairly simple for me by now. However I have no clue on how to wire or configure KFLOP/KANALOG (KMOTION).
I've read everything I can find on the subject but it just seems to confuse me even more. I don't think I understand the whole concept of using 'channels' instead of just designating pin numbers (I'm definitely missing something!).

I've made a small test setup with the purpose of getting one single stepper (axis) running to hopefully help me understand how the configuration works before I start rewiring my entire machine.

I've wired Step/Dir to Kanalog JP1 A0+/- and B0+/- and ENBL to JP1 A1+/- (I hope it can be seen from the attached pictures).

I understand that a 'init.c' program is needed but I don't understand how I define the "pin numbers" - I have no C programming experience.

I really appreciate if you could help me get the motor running and help me understand how the wiring/configuration and init.c process/workflow works.

Best Regards from Denmark