Thank you so much for that information. I kept those power supplies around for a future project like this some day but could not find the info for how to use this model out of the servers.

What we found was that the servers would keep running, but after about five years of 24x7x365 power on state that the servers started to fail if they ever needed to be power cycled. Those caps could pass power to keep it running, but not the surge to power on. The >80% failure rate was at a remote DR data center where we started losing communications to multiple servers after some maintenance. I flew out there and we had a full 85% failure rate of the gen 5 servers, all traced down to those caps. We found many to be swollen, and found the same problem on the Gen 5, 6, and 8 servers. Ditched the entire line by the time gen 8 came out. I had some deep discussions with the engineers, then spent a week at a competitor with their engineers diving deep into his their systems were built and they addressed this situation (and many others).

Once again, thank you so much for this information.

John Z

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