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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Mach Software (ArtSoft software) > Mach Mill > Serious step loss while milling : cannot find the problem
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Serious step loss while milling : cannot find the problem

    Hello there,
    i'm not sure to be at the right place to ask as i don't know where does the problem come from, but i'm using mach3 mill with a cnc router running a XHC controler board.
    Since i started, i get a step loss once every 20 operations more or less.
    At first, the spindle were out of the wood piece keeping on milling with no change in the mach3 coordinates. Could be a few centimeters or 70 centimeters.
    Now, the tool path is good, at the right place, but the coordinates are crazy. I stop (pause) the milling because the noise of the axis is strange.
    This morning i captured the screen, look how the Z is -900 mm and X and Y are not at all like the GCode instructions.

    People say it can't be Mach3, if it was, people would know it, such a big error, and it can't be the XHC controler board because it's reliable.

    So what can it be?

    I did not build the machine myself, i bought it, ready to use, and i've done some work aleady by the way, it can work correctly but in the end, it's not reliable and it's a lot of worry.

    So before i throw it away, maybe i can change the board?

    Any help is welcome...

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Capture d’écran (9).jpg   IMG_20220321_111859.jpg   IMG_20220321_111846.jpg  

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