My home built CNC router that I have been using for years burned out one of the servo motors driven by Gecko drives.
I decided to try one of the motor driver encoder integrated units. I am trying to get a motor from Steppersonline number ISV57T. It is probably made by CMs? The documentation and tuning tools are not at all good. I have downloaded two softwares one of which does not work at all. The other works but the parameters are quite different from those of most motors for which there is a fair amount of videos etc online. Nothing I can find for this particular motor and Steppersonline is not being very helpful

I was able to get some parameters adjusted and quieted oscillations and have good rigidity.

I have the new motor on the X axis but the old motors still on the Y and Z (waiting for more motors)

The problem is that I am not getting round holes unless I turn the acceleration (in Masso) way down to the point that production suffers.

Any hints on what parameters are responsible for acceleration? It is my gess that the new motor does not accelerate as fast as the old ones so if Masso is not slowing them all way down the new motor lags behind. Position accuracy with slow acceleration seems fine although the tool they provide shows instantaneous position accuracy as being really bad. Again the software sucks so it is difficult to know exactly what it is showing. It shows two different values on the Y axis of the scope view and some symbols are overlapped and difficult to read.