Hi - While I am waiting for my X3 to arrive I plan to make a bench. I suspect the small bases that come with the machine would not be as stable as a larger bench and would be best bolted down to the floor - especially in earthquake country! I thought I would weld a frame from angle iron and bolt down a heavy timber top - I suppose about 1.2 m long (47") and around 0.65m (26") wide and 0.8m (31.5") high ? I do not know what the machine base to table top surface height is - so I cannot easily work out the exact ideal height for a 6ft operator. I imagine the PC is best on the bench on the right of the machine? - for those who are right handed. - This is why I imagine it would need to be 1.2m long? I imagine a polycarbonate (Lexan) chip screen between the PC and the machine would be sufficient? then I thought about putting castors on each corner to allow moving it around etc - and jack screws beside the castors to take the weight long term and allow easy leveling. - any thoughts or information very welcome!