I have been on the forum for months designing a 6'X12' router.I must say thanks for all the help,I am sure I can build the machine.My weakness is software.I build speaker cabinets which is rabits ,dadoes,circles etc.Pretty simple stuff I imagine.What would be the easist,simple CAD/CAM to learn.I have tried intelicad and other free demos but I just fight with them.I tried E-machine shop and it is friendly and learable but of no use for your own machine.Friends have software like solidworks which is beyond my learning capibilities and I don't have a spare $20,000 grand.I just E-mailed Dolphin CAD/CAM to ask these questions.When you are older[55]and have limited computer skills,it is very difficult "to teach old dogs new tricks"Any suggestions as to a starting point or software so easy my dog could do it.
Larry:violin: :drowning: