I have a job that is going to repeat fairly frequently and I'll dedicate the tool holders for the job. Is there a way to import the tool lengths into the offset table with the program? Does H01 thru H12 (my machine only has 12 tools in the changer) have a specific parameter number, so I could write at the beginning of the program something like this:

PXXX = -14.275
PXXX = -9.208

and so on for the whole tool table?

I know I could use different H numbers, say like starting at 50 and leave the lengths in the table, but that means having to have H numbers in the program that start at 50 and if I repost the code, that's going to require hand editing and so on. Seems like with the parametric programming it should be possible to have the tool length table in the beginning of the program so it will populate automatically....

Thanks, Brian