
i've got one of those nice, cheap, beige aluminum 6040 cncs that i picked up second hand—it had never been powered on, so i scored it on Craigslist for a mega sale.

I am running everything off an esp32 using esp32grbl!

It's not cutting quite right. y and z axis is working great. but the x axis is repeatedly losing steps—or it is drifting.

i'm cutting with a 4mm bit, and after 10 passes, the job shifts up to 10mm in a 28mm thick stock cut. this is over a 400mm length. i feel much more confident with the software side of errors, i'm not sure where to start in taking apart and making sure my machine is working correctly. any advice?

I'll attach a picture here. you should be able to see clearly that the x axis is drifting in one direction only.

I have also been able to replicate the problem just by using g0 x0 / g0 x400 numerous times. Jogging the machine in the air, the axis still drifts the same.

has anyone solved a problem like this before?
