
I'm working on this build: https://www.cnczone.com/forums/cnc-d...2-forum-6.html

Per advice on the forum I picked up an Antek 63v 24v 5v combination toroidal power supply. I'm also aware that the common advice is to add a contactor to directly cut power from both drivers and spindle when the E-stop is triggered. Also, the EdingCNC controller has hardware-level E-stop funtionality in addition to software E-stop which is advertised as being "extra safe"

So I have a few options:
1. go without contactor E-stop circuit because the controller has hardware-level e-stop. This means I can use the toroidal power supply directly for all voltages. There will be circuit breakers and fuses of course. Is this a horrible idea or reasonable?
2. use separate contactors, one for the AC spindle power wires after the main breaker and one for the 63VDC circuit to the stepper drivers after the power supply. In this case I have to buy an extra contactor, not the end of the world
3. use separate small 24v power supply mounted on a DIN rail which are upstream of the contactor, so the controller stays powered regardless of e-stop condition. This is fairly simple, but I'm wondering if I lose the benefits of the smooth toroidal power if the controller is powered by a small switching power supply? I think the toroid thing was more about smooth power to the stepper drives but I just can't remember.

I'm guessing #2 is the best course of action but would appreciate any input!
