:wave: I must apologize for bringing up this old problem with my lathemaster conversion again!!! But, here it is. Please bear with me!
My problem is that the z-axis sometimes sticks when raising or lowering the head. I'm using a warren ball screw, (3/4" in diameter) with a single ball nut. I have since scored off of fleabay, a second ball nut whcih I'm going to install with a zero backlash washer setup. In preparation for this "upgrade" I was reviewing some old documentation which I downloaded for the IH site (great site) a few months ago.
The thing I noticed, which had escaped me during the original installation, was the placement of the ball nut relative to the carrier thingamajig!! I placed the nut below the carrier instead of on top as illustrated in the IH depiction. Could this be the cause of the head tending to stick? My nut attemps to "push" that massive head instead of "pulling" it along the ways????
Wow, if this is the answer, boy do I feel like a dummy?:withstupi
Any thoughts guys!!!
Bill from Spartanburg