
I know It may be a log shot however you don't know unless you ask. I have Several Citizen Cincom L20 machines. I am looking for a used Guide bushing Assembly that some one has laying around the would want to sell. I was fortunate enough to find some one to lone me one while ours is getting repaired. However I would like to have an extra one to put on my shelf so if i have to do a rebuild of on in the future Ill have one. I have looked every where and cant seem to find one for sale. I figured I would reach out here and maybe one of you have one laying around you would be willing to part with. Or maybe you have a machine you are cannibalizing and would be willing to sell the Guide bushing assembly out of it.

Like i said I know its probably a long shot, but you never know. If you made it this far thanks for your time reading.