Hello everyone.

I'm currently building a CNC milling machine. The milling machine is controlled via a raspberry pi 3 b+ and a Smoothieboard v1.1 with DM 542 stepper motor drivers( https://www.oyostepper.de/goods-1249...rittmotor.html ) and 1.8° 2A motors.

X-axis 1.8° 3 A runs via a stepper motor driver as the smoothie board can only control 2A. I controlled the two Y-axes and the Z-axis three times 2A via the smoothie board.

Unfortunately that didn't work. I had to buy two new drivers and connect them separately to Y1 and Y2 - they run in parallel. It worked until I ran the CNC and it

went too far to the left for me. I had to press the killbatten. I unplugged the entire system and turned it back on. When the control had power again, the lights suddenly lit up

The red lights on the power amplifiers. It took a while for me to figure out why. As soon as I removed the Enable + (+5V) cables from the power amplifiers, the power amplifier lights turned green again and the machine is running. When I try to plug the cable back in, the lights turn red again and nothing works anymore. Can someone tell me why this can be like that?

And I have a 1.5 KW spindle with a Huanyang inverter controlled via the rs485 breakout board. The software is CNCjs. Now I have the problem that the spindle does not run with the M3 command or only sometimes and when it runs I cannot stop the spindle with the M5 command. Sometimes it works and then it doesn't work again. Can someone please help me with this? I'm happy about every suggestion and comment.