I have paid for my CamBam license twice. Once because I found value in the software, and once to show support for the developer, but I just can't wait any longer for all the bug fixes.

I am really looking for something that is "like" CamBam, but doesn't have all the flakey tool paths and weird resolution issues with larger stepovers that I have to work around or pre-engineer to avoid in 3D. Even when I catch all the errors and work around them it just kills my productivity. When, like to day, I discover such a problem in a ten cavity mold that took 8hrs to machine just one half it destroys me. Yes, I premodel/simulate using CAMOTICS. Yes, I have the resolution cranked up in CAMOTICS, but sometimes you just don't see a BAD detail until you have cut it. Any suggestions?

I don't like BobCAD & Autodesk (Fusion360) due to their business practices. Aggressive high pressure sales from BobCAD, and dishonest drug dealer subscription model from AutoDesk. I'd like a CAM program I can just buy one time and cry one time that just works.

I never got past the aggressive in your face and down your throat pounding from the BobCAD sales staff to even try their demos. I actually had to send BobCAD a cease and desist letter to get them to stop harassing me.

I also do not really like the workflow in Fusion. I have used Fusion in the past before they started killing features for low/affordable license cost versions. In Fusion's defense the operations are accurate, and it produces extremely efficient code. I also don't want to be afraid that the month I have a lot of problems and spend every dime fixing them I won't be able to work because my subscription isn't paid.

I really like the workflow in CamBam. I love the nesting and 2D and 2.5D features. I like the way the tools and love the styles work. The post processors are easy to modify for each machine or machine group with a little initial guidance from this group of users, and the ability to have machine specific and even material specific libraries for tools and styles is awesome. I just can't stand to throw more metal on the scrap pile. I'd love CamBam if all the bugs and issues in resolution were fixed.

Some of you may not be aware, but in 3D, resolution is affected by both resolution and stepover settings and it causes REAL problems.

I've got a number of years invested in learning CamBam, and I really hate to waste them. I know something new will take a long time to get back up to speed, but I feel like I have waited as long as I can and I don't really have any choice anymore.