I have decided that I would like to try to build a cnc router. I know nothing about cnc other than I am amazed to watch these machines work. I have an uncle that owns a large CNC Machine shop with numerous machines and I love to sit and watch them work. I am mechanically skilled and am confident I can build the mechanical structure but when it comes to the electronics I am lost as a goose. I do know a little about electricity as I work at an electric generating plant but I just make it, and never learned how to work with it. I want to build something in the range of 48x36 and would like to be able to work with wood and soft metals. I haven't decided if I want a belt drive or direct drive yet and would like to know your thoughts on which would be best. Also, would this power supply work with these motors? Looking forward to this undertaking and I hope I can count on the experts here when I need help. This is a great board with a welath of knowledge and I enjoy reading and admiring everyones work.

