
I figured military demand. Didn't realize larger fibers mucked up epoxy. Never had a need for kevlar but knew it was a bear to finish. I was just thinking big heavy materials need big reinforcement.

Did an overhaul on my waterheater a couple months back, first time, took all day. Girfriend said do today so I did. I had to use a torch to break free the elements. Wasn't heating up right the first go round so I went change an element I thought was ok. Didn't realize with well the tank would be pressurized. Had water on side of me and none on the other. A drop fell through the alarm box and burned out the circuit board. It was a lot of fun but we got hot water ; )

So I am curious, in this thread is there an example of a horizontal e/g tube. Just trying to cross the characteristics of concrete construction and frp.