I have a supermax 40 mill w/ an Anilam crusader M control. I'm having a problem with getting a round bore using Anilams canned cycle. The program calls out the center of the bore X0Y0 and drops z to depth then feeds out at about a 30 degee angle to about 1 o'clock then goes counter clockwise around the hole past 1 o'clock to about 11 o'clock then back to center. The
resulting hole because of the extra overlap makes the hole out of tolerance. Is there someone out there that has run this control and can tell me if there is a different way to program this? I'm not that great on the mill yet I've been programming cnc lathes for about 23 years and have puchased three of these supermax's about a year ago. What does the term "interpolate" mean in lamens terms. Is it possible to hold .0007 in a bore or should I go back to the boring head? THANKS