I just got my 3 stepper motors today, they are 2.75V 3A 1.8 Degree 180 oz. Sanyo Denki Model 103H7126-5590.
I couldnt find much info on this particular model, but the motors also say Rorze type RM26A3S, which I was able to get some stats on.
They have 6 wires, and from what I'v read I guess that means I can run them in unipolar or bipolar modes?
I was considering getting a Xylotex controller for them, but the Xylotex web site says their controller can only handle up to 2.5 amps per phase (that means motor right?), I am guessing I'd cook it with 3 amps?

So that leaves me with the stepperworld.com FET-3 controller in unipolar mode for a reasonably priced controller.

I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on possible other economical controllers? Where I can get a power supply at a reasonable price? And just out of curiosity any educated guesses on what kind of travel speed I can expect on a 19"X24" table with 10tpi screws with these motors?
