i was just wondering about the drivers,alot here seem to know alot about stepper driver boards,so my question ,..are 3 single axis driver boards hooked to a break out board (b.o.b.) ,any better than simply getting a multi axis driver .here are a few reasons i can think of
1.)multi-axis drivers can be alot cheaper to get into(around $150.00for a 3 axis),but if you blow one axis up on a multi axis board,you would have to possably buy a whole new board just to get the one axis fixed,or send the whole board off for repairs,also less components to wire up,and mount
2.)single axis boards are usualy more expensive up front(around $100.00 each axis),and would need a B.O.B. to hook them all together,but if you blow a b.o.b. you can replace it only,or if you blow one axis,again you can just replace the one axis
so does that pretty much cover it? or are there some things i have overlooked,which would make one better than the other?
i was looking at a multi axis kit,and had pretty much made up my mind to get it ,then saw an add here for a single-axis kit with a b.o.b. and every thing, that was needed to get the motors turning ,both were in about the same neighborhood in price so now im back to wondering what might make one kit better than one.you know pro's and con's of each type driver that i havent covered (i dont wanna start any fights ,as all these kits seem like they would be excellent either way, i was just curious)