My big question to you guys is. What kind of power supply should we design or suggest. As the basis for the begginer just starting out for the first time?
The easy choices would be a standerd AT computer power supply, because of the power source involved. 12v 6amps norm..
and a 5v soruce good for controling circuits. The other choices would be for a higher power supply design using multi transformers (one per motor). Yet an other choices for a straight liner power supply is to use one LARGE transformer to drive each stepper driver in parallel. 12-30v 4-8amps often.
The multi transformers are good in the fact that there is no shared drain, when running multi motors in parallel. Not to mention size, you can get plenty of 16-30v 1-2amp transformers all to fit in the same area as you would a standerd PC AT power supply.
What are you guys thoughts on this matter? DONT forget price is always an issue! cheapest is always best, and I dont mean quality.