OK, I've had no luck telling autocad that I want it to draw X and Y points according to a formula Z=f(X), exact formula below:

Z=[X^2/{R+((R^2-((K+1)*X^2))^0.5))}] +A2^2 +A4^4 +A6^6 +A8^8 +A12^12

So I made a program in Basic that said... basicaly (you get the idea, not writing the whole code out):

Open 1,1,1 FILENAME$
Print #1, X;".";Z
Next X
Print #1 "EOF"
Close #1

Now.. this gives me around 790 lines of co- ordinates in X and Y for a step size of 10um over an X travel of about 7.4mm. The sag (Z) values check out, so my code is ok.

So.. I have the X, Y co- ordinates *bounces*.

My question is... can I import this from a simple text file into Autocad so it draws the profile in 2D?

Ie: Can I import over 700 X, Y co- ordinates into AutoCAD cos it is doing my nut in.

I would dearly love to just give AutoCad the formula and say "step 0.01mm in X and figure it out Y yourself due to the formula", but there seems no way to do this. However... I am not daft enough to think that others don't know better than me myself and I.

Any help greatly appreciated!
