Hello Members,

I plan to make various small parts with 2.5D milled features, including plates from aluminum, pcb stock, glass plastics, acrylics, etc. with up to 2000 hole arrays (0.010x.040" pitch) that require stacking, with feature alignment within .0005” These parts are typically sized up to a max of 5x5x0.5”, XYZ.

I would like to make a machine that can perform to these tolerances.

I need travels only about 12x8x4”, XYZ, and I would like a Z clearance of 6" above the table to allow for about 2" for fixturing, etc.

I am presuming something like Xylotex/Mach3 for drive and control, but not set on that. Linear guide types required is not clear to me at this point either.

I have access to a VMC for making accurate frame members, and would like some help in finding a suitable design and electrical/mechanical components.

Looking forward to any ideas, recommendations and advice.
