
Glad to be a member of Cnczone.com, it seems to be a great forum!

Now to the point, me and a few classmates of mine have choosed a project for school, were in the third grade on SKFs technical gymnasium (Thats what its called in sweden, its a technical school, not a gym, sort of a combination between High school and college)

Anyhow, we have no idea where to start, we have searched the net for "guides" but found none that really takes us from point zero to a finished cnc.

What ive found out is that we need the following parts

-some sort of table (with ball screws and all of those necessary parts)
-three stepper motors
-a controller card
-a "jogg"
-an engraver of some kind, like dremel.
-a power supply

We are on a relatively tight budget, and hope not to exceed 1500$ or somewhat like that.

Now, is there anybody out there that knows what parts are necessary, maybe someone with experience of earlier home-built cnc`s?

we would love to have a mentor on this project, or a few...

If we find anybody here that would be willing to help us out via this forum that would be great, it would mean we could maybe put up a build-log of somekind on this site, ande maybe even succed with the project.

that was all, i hope my english is sufficient to make myself understood and that someone out there might help our lost souls!

Best regards

Pontus Hanson @
Gothenburg Sweden