Hey guys,

As some of you will know I am now a US reseller for Madcam, the plugin for Rhino. I have decided to try to set up a website and at least attempt to sell other kinds of cad and cam software as well. I hope to be a Rhino reseller soon but am trying to fnd other packages that I could offer.

I have been in contact with a person affiliated with a new cad/cam package about to hit the market. The problem is they don't have a name that is very catchey, if that is the correct term to use.

I ask them for permission for me to come on here and post a request for submission for names. After thinking about it a bit I though I might be better off asking how one would go about naming a product like a cad/cam package.

Suggestions for the naming process or even submissions of actual names would be appreciated. Hopefully this package is going to be marketed world wide so keep that in mind when coming up with ideas.

Here are a couple of features the package will on introduction.

2d and 3d 3 axis full featured cam as well as intense modeling and cad capabilities. I have not been give a complete list of features but I have been told it will be a modular based system and that 4 and 5 axis modules are in the works now but no time frame for release. I was told that two more modules were planned but was asked not to reveal those yet since they are just in the beginning stages of development.

I know this is not a lot of info but currently it is all I have. Ideas!:idea:
