Hi all,

Has anyone used or thought about using Moglice or similar to improve the performance of their mill?

Having recently bought a Chinese Mill and gone/going to the trouble of improving the ways and dovetails by the means of scraping and lapping I have been wondering would it not be sensible to just apply Moglice for a superior finish at this stage?

I have to be honest at this time I have only just scratched (no pun intended) the surface on the subject but from what I have seen so far it would make a big difference to the performance of even our hobby/prototype machines.

I am now (when I can find the time) doing an in depth study of the use of products like Moglice and its application so during this the reason for not using it may become self evident but if others have been down this road and can shed some light on the subject it could save me a lot of time which could be better spent making chips.

Please jump in if you can it will be appreciated,
