I have been using Solidworks for about a year now and I'm very frustrated with the fact that I sit there and spend a bunch of time creating a 3d model, then I need to generate a 2d drawing from the model to give to my machinist and when I make the drawing I have to manually enter in all the dimensions. When I use the auto dimension it puts crazy dimensions in weird spots, making it virtually useless to give to a machinist for him to set up his cnc machine with. So it's like doing double work for me, first I create a 3d model, then I generate drawing views off of that model BUT then I have to manually enter in all the dimensions because the auto dimension insert is TERRIBLE!

It makes me almost think I should just draw in 2d to begin with and it would save me a ton of time.

Does anybody know if they are improving these things in Solidworks 2008?