Pull your head out of it. There isn't a consensus of scientists, only those nursing on the government teat. (our tax money) There have been no scientific methods applied, no repeatable experiments.

Not even observation bears out this trash masquerading as science, for example: " 50 million years ago the temperature averaged a full 20 degrees higher than today."

This is an observation by those same scientists. Was mankind also responsible for that? How about the melting of any one of the ice ages?

The above indicated "paper" has some VERY telling passages.

".........need to treat the argument as having been won. This means simply behaving as if climate change exists and is real, and that individual actions are effective. This must be done by stepping away from the ‘advocates debate’ described earlier, rather than by stating and re-stating these things as fact.
The ‘facts’ need to be treated as being so taken-for-granted that they need not be spoken. The certainty of the Government’s new climate-change slogan – ‘Together this generation will tackle climate change’ (Defra 2006) – gives an example of this approach. It constructs, rather than claims, its own factuality.

But go ahead and have another glass of cool aid, after all it IS your religion.