Hello, I am brand new to this site and new to cnc machining.
I just got a job at a local CNC shop and they seem to be having problems with milling a block. I wondered if I might get some input.
The block is A2 14"*16"*6".(x-y-z)
They are using a approx 1" maybe up to 1.5" index end mill, that has 2 index
pieces in it.
The machines is a Milltronics VM24 I believe.

they are making a mold for a stamp for a shovel head, It is taking forever, they have tried multiple different end mills and broke them usually with in a hour trying to get a good fast speed.

The mill is running loud and isnt removing a lot of material when trying to get it optimum.
last I heard the program was set to 12hrs and was only going to remove .5" in a area as big as a flat tip dirt shovel.(say 9*10")

Any tips or suggestions for this block with this machine.
ie different tooling, feeds speeds, you know what I mean.

We do 95% Aluminum, so Im assuming thats why they aren't figuring it out quickly.

Heck I dont even know, does A2 come annealed?, I would hope so.
