We have been upgrading my Partner 1 (Centurion 5) to a more modern computer with flash memory and USB connections for better file swapping but have hit a rather odd snag. Everything looks to be working great until we plug in the machines front keyboard connection and then nothing works as far as the control panel. Unplug it and plug a keyboard directly into the new PC and it works fine again. The problem with that though is the resets and other controls needed for machine operation are not accessible. The last line of the Centurian 5 boot up shows a message of "Bad V" where it would normally be initializing the front panel. I found a google link to a similar question having been discussed on CNC Zone but cannot find it in the archives via a search. Can anyone help in this matter?

Normally Milltronics has been of pretty good help but in this case they have been none.
