Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post


I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take this. The loss of American lives in Vietnam was disgusting and disgraceful. Most of the protestors however had more sympathy for the Vietnamese than the young American men dying over there. If Vietnam was American euthanasia, shouldn't we have been sending the liberals, rather than sacrifice the best that generation had to offer? I'd trade 20 Andy Warhols for ONE John McCain any day of the week.
The war was a waste. I was a liberal then and opposed to the war but I never put our boys down. They were victims of the war as well. Some of the guys who went over there were close friends. Some of them never came back. The morons who spat on our soldiers were just as evil as the leaders who sent them on that idiotic war. Likewise for this thing in Iraq.