I've had this problem in the past and the only solution I could come up with was to reprogram the part. I don't want to do that this time and I can't find the answer on my own.


I did a cutter path for a part, I flip the part 4 times in the vise so the file has 4 origins but they are all the upper left corner. The work offset is '0' so it all remains G54 when it posts. I get a warning that they are all zero when I post but the output was exactly what I wanted. I posted it two or three times last night without any problems.

After the first part, I tuned-up some of the ops, changed a few ops and reposted. It's the same file and same definition. The tool planes, WCS, etc, all seem to match the desired operations.

The problem: I'm suddenly getting an A-axis output in the posted file. It's the same post, machine, control, etc. The only thing that I can think that I monkeyed with was the 'planes' button in each operation dialog.

What turns on the 4th axis? How do I make it go away?