Hi guys, just registered, but I read occasionally on these boards. We have a VM16 with Cent VI controls. I just went through rebuilding the Z axis servo because it looked like the brake was open. When I got in there, the brake was fine, but may have come disconnected...anyway..fixed the brake and replace the bearings....got the motor working fine. There was also a loose connection on teh patch panel for those interested on the brake line...

So to my new problem. The machine homes and the homing is set to home on the mark not the switch. When it goes to tool change, the head is too low. I actually spaced out when it was doing a null tool change and had it come down on the the carousel.

-Is there a procedure for aligning the tool changer offset?
-Is there a proceure for aligning the coursel now that it is cocked. It looks like the mounts are flexible enough that I just need to destress the studs and then realign, no damage to the acutator etc.

Any help would be appreciated...I am getting quite familiar with this machine, just wondering if there is a quick answer that is not in the FM.

Thanks, Mike