[B]Ahhhh I'm getting really frustrated. I have the CNC4PC C11 Multifunction Break Out Board. My set-up is a Taig CNC off EMC2.

Ok, So I have my coolant pump hooked up too the Solid State Relay. I designated PIN "1" in my Stepconf for coolant. Had too change the E-Stop too pin 14.

What I noticed on load up. Now with the E-Stop in Pin 14, the board no longer clicked when it was in Pin 1, meaning the board is disabled/enabled. With Pin 14 is just disabled/enabled with no clicking noise. But it worked.

As soon as I plugged in my coolant pump into the outlet, my pump went on. I Inverted the pin and it still went on. I want too plug the pump in, without it going on, until I run my program...What the heck is going on?

I changed pins, inverted pins. Nothing.

Any ideas?
