hello all,

i've bought an emco f1 a few weeks ago and i've spent some time to clean it and fix all kind of small problems. however, there is a major issue i don't know if i can fix by myself and i would appreciate expert advice.

it seemed that the machine has trouble with the X axis, rapid movement is not smooth and i had a feeling that something was wrong with the ball screw. i took it out and seen that from time to time it stucks at points and only after some playing back and forth with it i can get it to move. i understood that the two nuts were not alligned and after removing the screw i even saw that some balls fell out. to fix it i took the enitre thing apart and cleaned it a little and tried to put it together myself, however i get that exact same problem. i don't know if this is a problem with the ball screw or maybe i just need a professional to fit it all together.

i included a picture so you can see how the assembly looks like taken apart.