Hey guys I guess I thought I had a handle on this by now especially in the 2d area but Ive got a question that I need some help on . How can I start a cut from a start hole or specific starting point so the cutter will plunge there instead of in the material. I dont know what Im doing wrong I can get the cutter to start at the retract position at the start hole but then it moves to the contour edge and then plunges then every pass it plunges without going back to the start hole. I know there is somthing I am missing that would just make it so darn simple but I just cant get it I know I have done this before with no problem but I just am stumped. I looked in our tutorial books and I cant seem to find anything that will help me in there either. I know it probably has something to do with the way I am chaining the contour first I chain the contour (which is a 2x3square that I want to cut out) and then I go and change the start point and click on the center of my start hole. Now it will start the cutter the first pass which even then its like I said before it waits to plunge at the contour wall.Anyway I know there is an easy way to do this If any of you could enlighten me on it I would be very thankfull.
oh and this would pertain to version 9.1