Hi all, and to whom are very concerned, it is a fact that NOBODY hates the good old USA, maybe a lot of people loathe their attitudes to the rest of the world generally and can't bow to their weird type of political distribution of facts that is hipocrisy at it's very best.

Coupled with that when you have a God fearing section of the population that is so blinkered by dogma that they form sects and armed camps for the "protection" of their way of life from their own people, what more do you want when you (by your very own descriptions) install a man who has no solutions for your salvation and can only drag your country into war zone after war zone and all in the name of Democracy, the method by which the many obtain power to rule and influence the minority.

Face up to facts, as a species you are the only creatures that have no mind of your own, relying on the twisted ideas of anyone that can impress you, and giving them power of attorney to do whatever they want at your expense, which culminates in you with great monotony and regularity, installing someone else on that wonky throne you call the presidency, and on one side hailing him/her as the best thing since sliced bread, giving your very life if necessary, until they make a small error of judgement, like killing millions of people at the stroke of a pen and justifying it as the "only way to save the world".

I don't think that ANYONE is going to save the world, it will still be there when your species is just a pile of sun bleached bones on some long forgotten piece of land you fondly call home.

In the meantime in the name of environmental rectification, you have the absurb notion that you are going to "save the world".

Take a look at the big picture, you do not have the power to save the world, not whilst you have a hole in your rectum.
Incidently, what form do you want to save the world in?

We all know that we live on a knife edge, balanced as it is by the temperature range we like to live in, too hot and we die, too cold and we die, too foggy with pollutants and we die, not enough O2 and we die, so why do you persist in adding to your woes by having all those polluting war machines that don't win wars, and only stir up resentment to promote other wars.

To save the world you would have to love your neighbour, which to most people is like currying favour with a rich man because he might throw you a few crumbs whilst he is able to, after that when his fortune wanes he can go jump.

When all the oil is gone, all of this will be like a nightmare, but made by your own hand at your own expense.

I dislike people who just quote other people's ideas and try to impress us with their insight and knowledge, all they have is the ability to put two and two together and come up with an answer that is in vogue to the impressionable.

I give you some words of comfort from a religion that is older than time itself:-

"surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever".

If you just absorbed the absolute commitment to dedication that these words mean you would save your world not just the world.