After breaking a few 1/16" end mills tonight until I figured out that I had my feed rate set too high I figured out that the spindle on my bridgeport style mill just can't spin fast enough to run a feed rate much higher than 3IPM. My spindle is a quick change 30 taper that spins a max of 3000 RPM. Using the RPM formulas for aluminum recommend a spindle speed in excess of 20k rpm.

I was wondering if anyone has done any kind of 'DIY' project where they attached some other kind of high speed spindle to their bridgeport style mill? I was thinking of clamping something to the spindle. The main thing I am looking at doing with this high speed spindle and 1/16 - 1/32 end mills are engraving text and logos on aluminum parts.

Any ideas would be appreciated!
