I go through another work - eat - sleep cycle, and come back here to find that once again Mariss has made my argument for me.

It is nihilism - hatred for mankind -- that informs such tripe. And, they are already getting their way, now that those with more wisdom than anyone else have succeeded at diverting our food to fuel production. People are starving. And as I stated in an earlier post, that is fine with the elites, except perhaps not fast enough. Some of them even advocate genocide through war.

Not surprisingly, to harbor such a hatred of humans requires that one be impervious to evidence and reason. That's why the evidence is ignored and the mantra is repeated over and over.

If my valuation of human life and the freedom it requires above all other values makes me blind, then so be it. It wouldn't hurt my feelings any if Hitler called me blind, either.


As I type this I am doing my due diligence on the activities of my enemies by listening to NPR. Even the American communists are becoming concerned about starvation worldwide and the effects of the food shortage on local populations. Food prices have tripled lately, and today's feature is about how most of the major food brands are switching to cheaper ingredients, adding more water, substituting flavor enhancers for sugar, and cutting portion size in order to try to minimize the impact on their operations. Eventually they will be unable to avoid raising prices to the consumer. All elitists are advised to tighten security until their plan comes to fruition. Food riots have a way of turning ugly.