Hey guys,

I've got some parts here that i need to get milled for a project i'm working on, and i thought i'd see if maybe any of you guys were interested in helping out - i'd rather give you guys the work (and the beer! :cheers: ) than a commercial place

Only 5 parts, all aluminium - 4 ribs that are about 65mm * 150mm * 3mm, and a base plate that is 180mm * 180mm * 6mm. smallest feature would require a 3mm endmill. I can supply CAD files in whatever format required.

I would pay you for materials, plus your time, plus postage to get the parts to me, with whatever form of payment you deem necessary (i'm in Brisbane btw)

If you might be interested, or know someone else who might be, shoot me an email: bellcham at iinet dot net dot au, or PM me here on the forum, or just reply to this thread!

Cheers guys,
