I'm struggling to draw the teeth on a pinnion spur gear. I used this webpage as tutorial, but ran into problems at step 10. The webpage says the following, but leaves out the "chart" on which to look up the (R) and (r) values.

Now, to draw the sides of the tooth:

10. Using a chart (either given to you or in a text) find the (R) radius for the addendum curve and the (r) radius for the dedendum curve of the gear tooth. In this example, the R for a gear having 30 teeth = 4.06 and the r for the same gear = 2.76.

To get the radii to be used:

R ÷ DP = 4.06 ÷ 5 = .812

r ÷ DP = 2.76 ÷ 5 = .552
Does anyone here maybe have a chart such as this in which there's values to apply to the diametral pitch in order to calculate the radii of the tooth sides in the addendum and dedendum of the gear? Another method to achieve the same results are also welcome, if you can't help me with this chart or if you think the method on the webpage is flawed. How would an engineer draw a gear?

Also, is the method for calculating the tooth shape of an internal gear the same as that of a "normal" gear?