The machine I have managed to cobble together out of mdf(project log "She Lives") Has developed a death wish! It moves sooooo slowly. Probably due to a bad combo of electronics, motors software and me!
Help, what do I need to change to improve performance?
1. Master 5 ( motors set at max any more and they don't move the gantry)
2. lead screws :10tpi- 1/2" dia
3. Guide rails:thompson 1/2" diam +linear bearings for x+y
draw slides for z
4.motors: 12v .48A 1.8 deg
from rs components no:191 8340
5. drivers:built from scratch using L298 and L297 chips
from Geoff Williams book "build your own workshop bot(I don't want to do that again , ever) . Using 2 computer power supplies. 5v for the boards and 12v for the motors
6. Running pentium 3 computer.

Accuracy seems excellent but I can cut faster by hand!