Hey guys,

I'm threading some parts here and I'm under the gun to get this done today.

I've never layed down a thread like this and don't like the way its coming out.

So its a 42mm thread with 2mm pitch. All the complete threads look great, expect the first one.

Because it doesn't have complete material to form the full thread, its coming out sharp and there are burrs. I can't figure out how to overcome this.

Currently, where the thread starts, I put a 60 deg angle on the front wall that the thread enters on, hoping that the 60 deg thread will match up with that angle and leave less of a burr. Its helped a little, but still not great.

The thread op starts beyond the front of the part, then moves in.

Any tricks you guys know to get that first (partial) thread to come out nice and not too sharp?

FYI, the material is Nitronic 60, kinda like stainless 316. Using a single point lay down threading bar. SFPM = 360


Edit: forgot to mention, its an OD thread...