I have an old Terco CNC benchmill which I am about to replace the old control unit to a EMC2 control and new drivers.
These are the existing stepper motors:
Sanyo Step-Syn 103-807-7 (6-wire) NEMA 34
Step: 1,8 degree/step
Data: 1,8V and 4,8A

Sanyo Step-Syn 103-815-2 (6-wire) NEMA 34
Step: 1,8 degree/step
Data: 2,5V and 4,6A
I don't know the inductance etc for the steppers.

Mill motor:
Marked as 0,180kW 0-190 DCV motor (looks more powerful than 180W though). Guess I need a 0-10V controlled driver or similar for this one.

Is it possible to retrofit with G540 and keeping the existing steppers?
If not, whats other options (other steppers,other drives,kits) is suitable?

Thanks in advance,