You've got me grinning ear to ear. Excellent!

And not a bad idea. Been thinking where to put a "draw window". Could use the config to turn off some tabs. Great Idea!

Great questions! Definitely not redundant.

The PLC would be interfaced by the PC ... but, there may be some options here. Let me think on that.

There are 18 unused I/O pins on the front of the Brain. Adding to the SDK to access those unused pins at will.

On the encoder breakout board, there are 18 more unused pins (the Brain Board and the Encoder Board are connected by a Hirose 100 pin connector. It has two ground pins, two 5VDC pins, and 96 I/O pins). And on the Brain board itself, there are another 20 that can be tapped.

That gives us a total of 56 pins for future use.

Excellent points!

The cycle start/hold is PC. The E-Stop has hardware and software support. Cycle/hold should have a hardware option ... fantastic idea!

The Stop can issue for the current segment. The Pause at the end of a motion.

Encoders: Digital, AB encoding, single ended. All inputs are heavily filtered for noise.

Homing is controlled by the Position Reference. The "goal" is to not have to use a "home switch" and have the machine, even open loop, re-home as it machines.

The Exact Stop/Grouped Velocity is set in the General Tab. There isn't any reason why we couldn't make that a G-Code itself so you could switch during your program. Need to think where to add that.

Amazing questions! Fantastic ideas!