Ok, so I just got my brand new G540 hooked up tonight. I've loaded the XML file seen here for Mach3, and I've jumpered connectors 10 and 12 temporarily until I get my e-stop switch installed. I've double checked the ports and pins setting, and I've "tuned" the motors to the settings I had when I was running the Xylotex board. I've also disabled the home inputs for now. I'm not getting any fault light, but my steppers won't move. They lock up once Mach3 is started, and Mach3 indicated that the motors should be jogging, but no movement is actually happening. I believe my motors are wired correctly (but they may not be), and I have the current limiting resistors installed.

So any ideas? I'm a complete computer noob, so use small words (nuts)

my set-up:
Taig CNC
keling KL-600-48 48V/12.5A PS
Xylotex 269oz 4 wire motors

please help, I need to get my baby back up and making chips.