
I've just been modifying a basic post-processor to suit the 1985 Denford Triac mill I have access to. I've now got everything tweaked to my satisfaction except for one thing. For feed rates in the X and Y, the triac requires FX to be defined, for moves in the Z, FX must be defined - e.g.

G01 X150 Y50 FX100 Z150 FZ50

However, what the post produces is :-

G01 X150 Y50 F100 Z150 F50

If I change the function defintion to FX then it replaces F wih FX
all the time. Mastercam seems to know the difference between feed
and plunge rates - but assigns the same variable to them both. Is
there a way that I can get the post to insert FX and FZ as
appropriate ?

Any help would be great

