I have tried to connect the machine (Maho MH 600E - CNC432) to my pc today, but it did not go so well. I used Hyperterminal to send files.
I got the same error code (D84 i think it was) for data input and output, the error code stands for "waiting to long".

So i was install a instrument (line listener) between the serial cable, and
then i could see that some information be sent from the pc to the machine. At the same time when i click send, when i try to send a program from the pc i got the error code comes up on the machine. I was thinking if the program have to start with any character to start recieve the file i try to send?

And if i tried to send data away from the machine to pc, the machine only
was sending "EQ" 5 times with about 5 seconds between each other,like it
wait for a signal from the pc. And when the 5th "EQ" has been send to pc,
the error code D84 come up again. Does anyone now anything about this problem, or have any tip?

Here are my settings:

Baudrate= 2400
Data bits= 7
Parity= Even
stop bits= 2
Flow controll Hardware

Send CR at line end
Local ecco

Here are the program i try to send:

N1 F200 S650 T1 M67
N2 G1 X30
N3 Y20 M30